Welcome to my somewhat new blog!
(LOL) I started this blog last year but I am just now getting a chance to post
blogs here. This blog will be an extension of my life vlogs on youtube, its
easier for me to share life the experiences here on this blog that I all ready
share on youtube (check out Friday’s post to see a quick vlog of Ken and I). I
am not sure if I am going to have a schedule or a theme for each day, but I do
promise to post a new blog here at least once a week. There are a lot of things
I would like to talk/ write about;
- My fitness journey
- Fashion/ Beauty
- Health and nutrition
- My life experiences
- Healthy and not so healthy but tasty recipes
……but mostly my life experiences
and my travels ever now and then I will
grace you with and different topic.
I am not a beauty expert, or a
fancy chef, or even a nutrition specialist, but I am a regular girl just trying
to make it in this big world. If you are interested in my crazy world subscribe
to my blog. I just have one rule when it come to commenting on posts; be
respectful that’s it.
xcx Marion
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