I totally suck and have to be one of the most forgetful people in the whole wide world! Who forgets they started a blog and made a commit to post in it at least ONCE a week but instead doesn't?? Yep that would be me :/...... Any who, this Memorial weekend I will be focusing on "getting my life right and organize". I decided it was time to become more focus and start planning out what I need to get done. I have been watching a ton of planning videos. I didn't realize that there was so many people who were into planning. Some of these ladies take planning to the next level, it seems to be more like journaling or creating a scrape book rather then a planning. Its really pretty and I admire them taking that much time out to plan. I don't seem myself buying stickers, a bunch of washi tape, and other fancy planner supplies. I most definitely do NOT see myself spending more then $20 on a planner that is only going to last me one or two years. I couldn't find a planner that fit my personal needs so I decided to make one myself for a lot cheaper then what they have in the stores. I even recorded a video of a little haul showing ya'll some of the items that I bought. In my next blog post I will go in more detail about how I will be using the planner.
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